About Gila River Water Storage, LLC

Two of the region’s long-standing water management entities, the Gila River Indian Community and SRP, created the Gila River Water Storage, LLC, in response to the mounting challenges to secure dependable, renewable water supplies.

GRWS was formed to bring 5 million acre-feet of additional dependable, renewable water supplies to central Arizona.

These supplies are created from the community’s vast Central Arizona Project water resources and are targeted at landowners, industrial interests, and municipal development interests that are in need of additional dependable, renewable water supplies in central Arizona.

The community's works in collaboration with SRP to plan where portions of the community’s CAP water will be banked each year.

The community acquires and maintains water storage permits from the Arizona Department of Water Resources (to bank water at various recharge facilities in central Arizona.) Additionally, the community coordinates the delivery of its CAP water supplies with the Central Arizona Water Conservation District and with operators of recharge facilities.

SRP's role is to work alongside the community in water-banking planning, to identify and work with various types of current and prospective water users who are in need of renewable water supplies to meet state renewable water supply requirements, and to meet regularly throughout the year to ensure coordination, collaboration, and communication in the banking and marketing of long-term storage credits earned by the community.

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